Getting Started
Basic navigation | Set up client account information | Analyze client portfolios |
Test portfolio ideas and save model portfolios | Set planning goals
Upon signing into Wealthscope for Advisors, the landing page offers four points of entry:
"Advisor Dashboard": displays aggregated client information, as well as high-level summaries of individual clients.
"Client Management" is where you can add a client, groups clients to create a household, or access different clients.
"Add Client" is a shortcut for you to add clients.
"Tools" is a shortcut to access your research tools.
There are two views in the application: Advisor and Client. The top-right corner of the menu bar of tells you which view you’re in: when it is light blue, you are in Advisor view (with your name):
When it is navy blue, you are in Client view (with your client’s name). There will also be a purple frame around the entire application as a reminder. Any information you save here is for this specific client.
On the left-hand side, you will notice these icons:
When you are in Advisor View, this icon is the shortcut to Client Management.
When you are in Client View, this icon is the shortcut back to the Advisor Dashboard.
To track and analyze investment accounts for a client that you have added on Wealthscope, go to their Client View and click "Accounts" in the top navigation bar. You will see the "Add Accounts" button.
Manually input account information. Market values will be updated daily. You can edit account information after a transaction.
Let us know if you have a data provider we can work with to load and update your client data automatically.
​​Note - only the following securities will be included in the portfolio analysis:
U.S. listed stocks and ETFs, mutual funds.
To generate a Portfolio Scorecard, click an account to view, and then click the "Analyze" button in the upper right. You can analyze:
i) an individual account, or
ii) a specific group of accounts ("Group accounts?" toggle on the left), or
iii) all of a client's accounts together (analyze in "Accounts Overview").
Portfolio Scorecard
Your will land on the Overview page of the Scorecard and see an overall grade for the portfolio. The radar chart summarizes the results for each of 6 important portfolio dimensions: performance, downside protection, income, fund fees, diversification, and ESG. The analysis is based on the current composition of your client's portfolio, so as to assess how sound their existing portfolio is. That means we use the same holdings and the same weights in the analysis.
The portfolio is evaluated against a benchmark that is automatically assigned based on the closest equity-to-fixed income ratio of your portfolio, e.g., 70% equity 30% fixed income. This benchmark serves as a reference point in scoring the performance and the downside dimensions in the scorecard. If the portfolio is just matching the benchmark, rather than outperforming it, it will receive a passing mark.
The file icon on the left of the Portfolio Scorecard will let you save the account with its current composition (holdings and weights), so that it can be used later in the Compare function of the Scorecard, or for simulations in the Planning segment.
Compare this account to a saved portfolio or a what-if scenario.
The "Portfolios" segment in the top menu bar is where we offer different Portfolio Builders and the ability for you to designate saved portfolios as "Model Portfolios". These models will show up in all of your Client Views, ready to be used in the "Planning" segment as well as in the Compare function within the Scorecard.
Portfolios -> Create a new portfolio
i. In Advisor View, create a portfolio using any one of our Portfolios Builders.
ii. Save the portfolio by clicking the Save icon on the left of the Portfolio Scorecard.
iii. Once saved, go to Portfolios -> Revisit a Saved Portfolio and toggle it as a Model. Note: this function is only available in Advisor View.
For clients in their accumulation phase: two short work flows for a quick assessment:
Planning -> Accumulation
Target Wealth - determine the nest egg required at retirement to meet lifestyle needs. Choose one of five benchmark portfolios for the simulations.
Target Saving - determine the necessary monthly saving required to meet their target wealth.In the simulations, you can select a portfolio for the simulations. Choose from any portfolios saved for the client or use one of your model portfolios.
For clients in the decumulation phase: Longevity and Probability of Ruin are two cool educational tools to compare their life expectancy with the longevity of their savings.
Planning → Decumulation → Portfolio Longevity and Probability of Ruin
Now that you have a handle on the main features, you are all set to try the rest!
For a detailed description of all features, please download our User Guide.
For any inquiries, please contact us at